Category: Politics

Once upon a time, martial arts schools would only tend to teach one system for one purpose: be it Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon-Do, Kung Fu etc. Then someone had the bright idea of cross training in lots of systems at once. This seemed like a brilliant idea, and pretty soon lots of people began to do the same thing.

Eventually, someone else had another bright idea to pit these arts (and combinations of arts) against each other in order to discover what the ultimate system was and who the ultimate fighter would be. Again, this seemed like a brilliant concept Continue reading

One thing that I take serious issue with in the martial arts is the existence of women’s only self defence classes. My reasons for this are fairly simple and probably shouldn’t take very long to summarise, nevertheless, I will try and stick to my usual long winded way of phrasing things, interlaced with various attacks on other martial arts groups. Continue reading

Most people who have spent any amount of time in the martial arts will be aware of the term McDojo. For those of you to whom this is a new concept, I will try to explain it here as best I can. Dojo is the Japanese word for a martial arts training hall and frequently refers to an entire school. McDojo, therefore, refers to a school that has started to take on the characteristics of a particular, well-known fast food chain Continue reading